Although crystals are said to have innate healing properties, taking the time to set an intention for your stone can help you connect with its energy and restore your own sense of purpose.

You may feel comfortable holding the stone in your hand as you meditate, or placing it on your third eye. You can also lay back and allow the stone to rest on the corresponding chakra, or area of body that you wish to work with.

Envision the stone’s energy merging with your own. Speak to the stone — silently or verbally — and ask for assistance in working through your current endeavor.

Thank the stone for its presence then spend a few minutes in meditation.

If your stone feels heavier than expected — like it’s lost its shine — it may benefit from a little energetic activation.

Try lending it some of your own energy by speaking to it, singing to it, or sending it some vital life force energy through your breath. A little interaction can go a long way!

If you have plans outside, consider taking the stone out with you. Many people find that allowing the stone to soak up natural energy at the park or beach has a powerful effect.

You can also create an activation grid by surrounding the stone with its more energetic counterparts. Popular choices include ruby, clear quartz, apophyllite, kyanite, selenite, and carnelian.

You can use whatever stones you’re drawn toward. Just make sure they fully surround the main crystal so that it can completely bask in their vibrations.

How often do I need to cleanse my stones?

The more often you use a stone, the more energy it collects. A good rule of thumb is to clear all of your stones at least once a month.

If an individual stone is feeling heavier than usual, go ahead and cleanse it. You don’t have to wait a designated amount of time between clearings.

What is the best method for clearing stones?

Find a method that resonates with you and your practices. What works best for you may not work as well for someone else, so pay attention to what feels right.

How do I know when a stone is cleansed?

The stone should feel energetically and physically lighter to the touch.

What should I do with my stones after they’ve been cleansed?

Find mindful places to keep your stones. If you can, keep them near windows or plants so they can absorb this natural healing energy. Otherwise, place the stones around your home, office, or other space in a way that aligns with your intentions.

When we care for our crystals, we’re caring for ourselves. We’re allowing energy that’s inharmonious with our lives and intentions to leave in a peaceful and healing manner.

Taking these small measures allows us to be more mindful in our interactions with the stones, with ourselves, and with others.

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Hand knotted jewelry should not be left out in the elements or soaked in any solutions. For long lasting jewelry remove before swimming or excessive sweating situations. All jewelry is made with the best intentions in mind and body, but it is our belief that the stone should answer to its person (ie. the buyer) because of this any programming and activating is the responsibility of the customer.